Ubisoft has released a new trailer for Splinter Cell: Conviction at Comic-Con. It’s hidden somewhere in this post. It’s like finding Waldo, except Sam Fisher will f–king kill you if you can’t find him. Oh, and I haven’t actually made it difficult to find because it’s in exactly the same place all the trailers posted are placed. Which is, to say, below the fold.
A good bit of the footage is recycled from the E3 trailer from last month, but stick with it through the first third and you’ll see some new things. Not mind-blowing things or even particularly novel, revealing things. Just things that are new.
Everywhere I turned during E3, I kept hearing, “Splinter Cell.” I pretty much ignored it because I’m miserable at Splinter Cell games. But, damn, the more I see, the more I feel that familiar itch for the tension of stealth gaming. I just know this is going to be another one of those situations where I spend $60 for a title the day it comes out, play it for a couple of hours, get frustrated at my lack of skill and put it on the shelf to collect dust.