If you’ve been following my intrepid coverage of the situation in Germany (I’ve appointed myself Destructoid’s German correspondent on weekends) then you know that the German government is attempting to ban the sale and production of violent videogames in Germany. The law would put a major damper on Crytek’s ability to produce games, not to mention it hampering that pesky thing called free speech. If you haven’t been following my coverage then catch up, Germany and I will wait.
Now that you’re all up to speed it’s time to do something about it. A few intrepid Germans have started a petition and we are informed if 50,000 people sign it then the German governement has to at least look at it and consider it. You don’t have to be German to sign either, which sounds a little sketchy to me, but we’ll roll with it. If you can read German and want to participate just head here. If you can’t read German you’ll have to download this handy little .pdf file (written by this man) that explains exactly what to do when you head to the link above in English words and pretty pictures. Once you’re done you can sit back, relax and know you made the world a better place.
(Thanks, Simon T.)