How to get a Kitchen Knife in Lethal Company

Watch out for the bees

When you think of weapons in Lethal Company, you’ll likely imagine the shovel or double-barrel shotgun, as these are the two main tools for defeating monsters. However, the v50 update introduced new moons, enemies, and items, including a knife. Here’s how to get the kitchen knife weapon in Lethal Company.

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How to find the Kitchen Knife weapon in Lethal Company

The kitchen knife is a weapon you get from defeating the Butler enemy in Lethal Company. By targeting the Butler with a shovel or shotgun, its head will explode, and hostile hornets will fly out and retaliate. The Butler will also drop its knife once you kill it, allowing you to claim the weapon for yourself.

How to use the Kitchen Knife in Lethal Company

The kitchen knife’s primary purpose is to fight against monsters. Like the shovel and shotgun, you can keep the knife in one of your four inventory spaces and damage enemies by stabbing them. It has a much higher attack speed than the shovel, at the cost of having a much shorter range, making you susceptible to damage from monsters. Using a stun grenade helps counter this weakness, making the knife a helpful tool.

Alternatively, you can also sell it for credits. That way, if you get more knives than you need for your playthrough, you can sell the extras to help you reach your next quota. While it isn’t a massive amount of money, it can make a difference in reaching your next goal, especially if you stockpile several knives and can get a few hundred credits out of them.

How to find the Butler in Lethal Company

Lethal Company butler strategy and location

Lethal Company’s Butler enemy mainly spawns on mansion maps. Although they’re not limited to mansions, they spawn more often here than facility map layouts, as they act as housekeepers who clean the home before striking lone individuals. The Butler can spawn on four maps:

  • 7-Dine
  • 85-Rend
  • 8-Artifice
  • 20-Adamance

Dine is the best place to find several Butlers, as they have nearly a 60% chance of spawning here. There is also a maximum spawn rate of seven Butlers on one map, so you’ll commonly find multiple Butlers throughout your run if you’re on this specific map. Dine is your best bet if you’re hunting for a knife and want to find a few Butlers.

How to defeat the Butler in Lethal Company

The best way to defeat the Butler is to stay in a group and have one or two people hit it with a weapon. That way, it’ll remain passive until you hit it, to which it’ll then pull out its knife and retaliate. By the time it fights back, you’ll likely already be close to defeating it, as you only need five shovel hits to kill the Butler.

The Butler’s activity depends on whether you’re alone or with a group. If two or more players approach a Butler, it’ll stay passive and not attack you unless you get too close. However, once you’re alone, the Butler will actively seek you out, pull out its knife, and aggressively attack you until they defeat you.

Once the Butler dies, its head will explode after a short delay, sending anyone nearby flying away. This explosion doesn’t damage you, but the force can send you flying off a railing or into a landmine, so be careful where you’re positioned. The Butler also spawns hornets upon death that’ll attack you immediately, so you’ll want to quickly run in and grab the knife before running away, as these hornets are immune to all attacks.

About The Author
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Madison Benson
Staff Writer - Madison has been a long-time fan of all things gaming since her adventures playing Heroes of Might and Magic over 20 years ago. She began her journalism career in 2021 and often enjoys casual life sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs in her spare time.
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