Sexy Time! God of War II

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[Sexy Time! is a regular series where we take a look at some of the more, shall we say, erotic aspects of video games. It also gives us a reason to post images such as the above. You’re welcome.]

Sex has been a part of legend, lore and religion as far back as… well, as far back as there have even been such things. Few cultures in history have gained more note for mythical shagging than the ancient Greeks. Their pantheon of Gods is positively full of lascivious relationships and you can barely read one of their myths without somebody getting down.

Why should videogames rooted in Greek mythology be any different? If we’re talking about God of War, they aren’t. Kratos’ loins have seen action in every major installment of the series to date. His escapades and the style in which they are presented to the player verge on being a trademark. None has been more over-the-top naughty than his threesome with a pair of bathing beauties in Rhodes in the opening level of God of War II.

In the wake of the “Hot Coffee” scandal surrounding Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, it’s easy to see how God of War‘s more subtle sexual conquest was overlooked by the media. Compared to the upfront nature present in the modified GTA, cutting away to a wobbly vase with animalistic grunts and moans in the background seemed almost tasteful.

Perhaps it was the success found at slipping under the radar that emboldened the designers responsible for the follow-up. Everything about God of War II was bigger, grander and more graphic than that which came before and the sex mini-game in this sequel is no exception. While the same cut-away tactic was used to avoid the backlash which would have inevitably resulted, taste goes right out the window as we see a fountain in the form of a urinating boy positively erupt at the climax.

The structure of the minigame is simple and representative of many of the tasks found in these games. They’re quicktime-events, the same used to conquer any other overwhelming challenge Kratos comes across. By successfully completing the presented sequence of commands, the player receives more than mere tittilation by earning red orbs, the items by which Kratos can improve his skills and more easily meet later challenges.

Which leads to an interesting perspective that can be found in a minigame which is tailored in the way these are. Even if you fail, there is still some level of reward in the form of the charming animation and erotic background noises. But it’s a hollow accomplishment and one barely worth more than a laugh. Putting forth the effort necessary to actually succeed in the act (however simplified it may be in this case) can produce something far more tangible.

We can’t say for certain if God of War III will feature another penetrating look at the sex lives of Greek Gods. It does seem fairly likely, however, that we’ll get to take another stab at demonstrating Kratos’ prowess. The question is, how far will Sony take it next?

About The Author
Conrad Zimmerman
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