Rumortoid: New Nintendo titles for E3, also Mario and Zelda

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As you’ve heard, the Wii Fit part of this story is the most solid. In the Japanese Trademark Database, a Wii Fit Plus comes up. Great name, Nintendo. Very inventive. We’ll act totally surprised at the announcement on Tuesday’s press conference at E3. Siliconera also found a couple of other interesting title names in the database: Art Academy and BonsaiBarber, with the latter being a domestic WiiWare release. I wonder what Art Academy is.

The Mario and Zelda rumors come from an analyst firm that seems to be making sh*t up — sh*t that just about anyone in this industry could’ve guessed. According to, They echo the Wii Fit Plus thing, but then go on to say that we should expect announcements of a Mario or Zelda game. Macquarie Research’s reason? They “expect Nintendo to learn its lessons from last year and provide more gamer-centric announcements.”

Yeah, so do we.

I’ll be up at the ass-crack of dawn to liveblog the Nintendo press conference next week. Maybe we’ll get something more interesting than a new Wii Fit game. Stay tuned.

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Dale North
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