White Knight Chronicles story trailer looks nice, has clowns

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We’ve been talking about White Knight Chronicles, the PlayStation 3 exclusive role-playing game, for some time now. I think Tokyo Game Show in 2007 was the first time we saw it up close. But for as long as we’ve been hearing about it, we haven’t seen much more in the way of details other than some screenshots and vague story elements. To be honest, it’s taking so long that I find my interest fading. This new story trailer helps a bit, though.

In the video below, you’ll see a celebration complete with flipping clowns and red noses. Look, no one warned me about this clown stuff. I’m not cool with it, and you shouldn’t be either. Maybe they’ll have a patch for that.

Otherwise, the trailer is great. It’s packed with cool imagery and just enough story detail to draw you in. A forgotten and ancient secret awakes and messes up happy clown time, and then everyone starts fighting. There’s lots of spinning, turning, dramatic looks, and light beams coming out of chests. You know, RPG stuff. It all ends with a nice subwoofer-filling boom. Exciting. 

Let’s hope this excitement holds out for the winter release of the game.

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Dale North
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