The Destructoid Comic: Mandatory monologue

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The Destructor-Toid is STILL terrorizing the city! By the time anyone does anything to stop it, will there even be a city left to save? Most of Destructoid’s heroes are underground, trapped with insane troll zombies! The streets are filled with sentient consoles! The Burch siblings 360 seems to have red ringed! Yashoki is somehow a witch!

Is there no hope for Destructoid City? Is this truly the end? Who is the cause of all this? And why?

There isn’t really a winning comment for this one, it’s pretty much an amalgamation of a few. A couple people wanted Papa Burch so I threw him in along with a second page detailing Niero’s whereabouts and his kidnapper (who, by the way, has nothing to do with a certain anti videogame activist/former attorney. It’s all just pure coincidence … ).

The look of Niero was based on a short comic by Ceark, whose art is fantastic. Thought it’d be fun as a nod back to that continuity. 

1. You have 24 hours from the time this blog was posted to suggest what happens next.

2. Try to keep it relatively SFW.

3. You can only make a suggestion once per week.

4. Your suggestion has to fit on one page (although I will occasionally stretch it to two pages).

Will Ashly continue playing the robot game, destroying the city in the process? Will Reverand Anthony attempt a rescue of Jim, CTZ, RetroForceGO! and the Failcast crew? Or will he go it alone against the Destructor-toid? Who will come to Niero’s aid?

Page #1: When it rains, it pours
Page #2: Enter … THE SHARK!
Page #3: The plot thickens!
Page #4: Annnnnnd welcome!
Page #5: Revenge of the Red Rings
Page #6: Time to formulate a plan
Page #7 + #8: The Long Way Round
Page #9 + #10: Compulsory underground level
Page #11 + #12: Run or shoot?
Page #13: HAWP to it.

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