Twitter Friday: Win a copy of Space Invaders Extreme!

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Ah, Twitter Friday, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways…. this week, we have two copies of Space Invaders Extreme for the Xbox 360 to give to you fine people for absolutely free. To win one, what you’re going to want to do is add Dtoid as a friend on Twitter and watch for the announcement we are about to give a code away today. When we announce we have one to give, be the first to reply and say “I want it!” and we’ll send you a direct message with your code. Easy as that!

Even as we give these away, I’m buzzing around the office creating little swag piles for the following weeks. Since I’m also heading to E3 late next week, I ought to come home with a bunch of new stuff too. Stay tuned in the coming weeks to win it all. By the way, my favorite thing about doing Twitter Fridays is finding the header images. I have no idea what’s going on up there, but it has to be awesome.

About The Author
Colette Bennett
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