Space Invaders Extreme screens for XBLA, plus a holiday bonus

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Space Invaders Extreme is one of the most addictive games I own for the DS, sitting right up there with Rhythm Tengoku Gold as one of my very favorites. In case you didn’t already know, it’s coming to Xbox Live, dripping in all its HD gorgeousness (I can’t wait to hear the music in surround sound!). There’s even the original game packed along with it, in case you prefer the original to this pretty new incarnation.

As a St. Patty’s Day treat, Taito sent along some new screens as well as some green Invaders to get us in the holiday spirit. Grab a few out of the gallery if you’re in the mood to change your user icon or just show some love for the Irish, Invader-style. We’re expecting the Xbox Live version out sometime later this year, although no specific date has been confirmed yet. Can’t wait to work on my high score!

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Colette Bennett
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