In the wake of Tim Kretchmer’s gun rampage in a South German school, hysteria surrounding videogames is getting more and more ridiculous. As you can see in the above picture, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is subject to some ridiculously excessive warning stickers, because one age rating simply isn’t enough.
It seems that Germany is really going over the top with its videogame panic right now. The USK rating doesn’t seem to be enough anymore, with a huge red warning sign over-emphasizing the point. It’s unclear exactly where in Germany this came from, it simply surfaced from a NeoGAF poster. Whether this has been going on for a while or is a new kneejerk reaction to the recent controversies, I don’t know, but it’s all rather silly.
Perhaps our German readers can shed light on this? Have your games been plastered with these ridiculous warning labels? Are videogames really going to be treated like cigarettes or pornography?