Capcom hyper hyping: More (and better) HD remakes on the way

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In a recent chat with, Capcom’s Vice President of business development and strategic planning, (that’s VPOBDASP for short), Christian Svensson (CS for short, presumably), said the company had plenty more where Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix came from, and would “potentially” be bringing more of its classic fighters into the salon for the old HD makeover. The DL from CS:

“Are we done doing HD Remixes? No we’re not done. But the next ones that we do will be even better, based on what we learned.”

And what better place to start than with Marvel VS Capcom 2? When posed with the question, Svensson had this to say:

“I won’t say it doesn’t need it. Marvel would be great to do. There’s obviously a fan base for it. It’s probably our most requested title. Unfortunately, I wish I had news to share on that front but I don’t.”

Not a concrete affirmation, but hopeful words nonetheless. When asked for comment, I had this to say:

“Of course you should! What are you, f*cking crazy?”

So Capcom is planning more HD remixes. Duh, right? We could probably have all counted on that one. What’s interesting here is that Mr. Svensson was asked about an HD remake of Marvel VS Capcom 2 and didn’t spit out his coffee with a vehement “No.” What’s also interesting is that I found an abbreviation for everything in this post except Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. Fancy that!

What are you guys hoping the next lucky contestant in Capcom’s back catalog will be?

[Via G4. Thanks, Ali!]

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Topher Cantler
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