Gearbox lays off employees, Aliens: Colonial Marines still safe

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On Friday, rumors began circulating that Gearbox, developers of the Brothers in Arms series, handed walking papers to as many as twenty-six employees. Speculation as to why ran from lackluster sales of Hell’s Highway to, God forbid, Sega pulling out of Aliens: Colonial Marines, forcing the developer to cancel the project..

Responding to the rumors, Gearbox president Randy Pitchford has stated that the FPS tactical shooter is still still on track. He confirmed that staffing changes have occurred, calling them “transformative,” which I really want to believe means that they’ve hired Optimus Prime but is ultimately meaningless PR speak.

Pitchford gave no indication as to when the title might actually be released or even shown in any serious capacity, but that it hasn’t been axed is good news, at least.

[Via CVG

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Conrad Zimmerman
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