Rygar: The Battle of Argus release delayed until February 2009

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With the year coming to a close, the releases are starting to slow down. And if you were looking for the one last hurrah by picking up Tecmo’s Rygar: The Battle of Argus this week, you’ll be disappointed to hear it’s been delayed … until February 3, 2009. 

A remake/port of the PlayStation 2’s Rygar: The Legendary Adventure, Battle of Argus features full support for the Wii Remote, so you’ll be able to swing your Diskarmor shield by waving your hand around. Additionally, the game features new enemies and modes for the Wii version, including Gladiator Mode which has you taking down 30 waves of baddies.

Our own Jim Sterling played it at Tokyo Game Show this year and hated it, offering little to no reason beyond “That game is stupid bloody s**t and I hate it and my feet hurt.” But from what I hear from people who’ve been playing the final version of the game for review (yes, it’s totally done — you just can’t have it yet), it’s actually pretty solid. 

I have to admit, I only played through part of Rygar: The Legendary Adventure, but enjoyed every second of it. With many of my “must play” games of 2008 out of the way, maybe it’s time to revisit the game before the remake hits the Wii next year. 

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Nick Chester
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