Metacritic: The most pathetic battleground of the console wars

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It never ceases to amaze me how low some pathetic wankers go in order to prove the “superiority” of their favorite videogames machine. I thought the guys who made little YouTube videos about it with Windows Movie Maker were sad enough, but it seems that you can always go just one step further.

Metacritic has become the latest battleground in the fanboy console wars, with user scores allowing the particularly deranged to deliberately score down a videogame. Maybe they think their penis will grow in size as a particular first-party game’s score lowers. It will not happen.

Second-party games are being deliberately attacked on Metacritic as people abuse the ability to lend their voice to a game’s score. LittleBigPlanet‘s real Metacritic score is 95/100 — disproportionately different from the 6.2/10 user score. Similarly. Resistance 2 officially holds a score of 90, while the user reviews have conspired to give it an insulting 5.4. 

The PS3 fanboys have hit back, of course, and Gears of War 2 has had its official score of 96 contrasted by a user score of 3.2. Neither it nor Resistance are even out yet.

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It was suggested to me once that Destructoid should incorporate a user score into its review system. While a great idea in theory, shit like this proves that such a system can’t work. You give power to the people, and the people invariably fuck it up, because they can’t seem to handle their own freedom.

This kind of thing is absolutely vile, and shows nothing but disrespect to the videogames industry. If you love games enough to be so passionate, you ought to be able to treat them better. I honestly cannot get over how much of a miserable little shitbag you have to be in order to do something so infantile.  

If you are reading this and you were one of the people who “stuffed the ballot box,” I think you really should take heed of this advice: Grow the fuck up, retard. 

LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2 and Gears of War 2 are all going to be excellent holiday hits, and are made by incredibly talented people. I think that each and every one of the guys who worked on these games would be disappointed and disgusted by the puerile garbage currently going on at Metacritic. You really have not impressed Media Molecule, Insomniac or Epic with that shit. All you’ve done is make gamers look like their stereotype. The stereotype of the idiot with no life and no dignity.

I’m not sure what, exactly, you think will be accomplished by this. It’s not like you are going to damage the console that you are attacking, or somehow improve the prestige of the one that you jerk off over every night. Each one of those games will generate millions of dollars in sales and will be huge successes.

All you’ve done is prove how good the titles actually are. It’s going to get to a point where the lower the Metacritic user score is, the better the game must be. Thanks for merely highlighting which exclusive games are the best ones for each console, you morons.  

And why are you even doing this? Because you are threatened, that’s why. You feel threatened by a videogame because you are scared of a different console having something better than the one you own. You are frightened … of a videogame. That really is something else. It may, in fact, mark a new low for the entire human race. So I guess you actually have accomplished something. Well done on concentrating your stupidity enough to actively devolve the human race a step.  

Real gamers should be absolutely ashamed to count you among their ranks. You are what is wrong with the gaming community, and this industry would be better off without you. I really cannot comprehend what must be going through your minds, and the fact that thousands of you exist just makes me want to retch.

Why do gamers want to do shit like this? Why are people like Chad Warden actually real? Why do people get so defensive over a piece of machinery? Why do people try and hurt videogames when they claim to love them? These are the games that are helping the industry grow, either creatively or financially, but some people are so blinkered that all they can see is a “My console is better than your console” playground fight.

People wonder why publishers and developers don’t listen to “hardcore” gamers enough. I think this proves why. If this is the level of maturity and intelligence that we are promoting, then I wouldn’t blame any developer for saying “Man, fuck those guys” and working only to please themselves. I almost can’t blame Nintendo for looking like it’s “abandoning” the hardcore gamer. Is it any wonder that Nintendo of America would want to distance itself from twatishness like this? Many among us don’t deserve even the slightest bit of consideration from a professional organization.

Seriously, console fanboys? Get the fuck out of this community. You are not welcome here.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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