Destructoid joins Extra Life, presents The SingSterling Challenge

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Some of you may or may not know, but Sarcastic Gamer has set up a brand new charity, Extra Life. Extra Life is a proposed 24-hour gaming marathon set up to raise money for a very worthy cause. I’ll let SG tell you all about it:

On Saturday October 18th, 2008 gamers from around the world will come together for 24 hours to raise money and awareness for the cause of pediatric cancer.  Cancer is the number one cause of non-accidental death in children.  Together, we’re going to stand with the families from around the world who come to Texas Children’s Cancer Center in Houston, Texas for lifesaving treatment.  Texas Children’s Cancer Center serves kids worldwide regardless of their family’s ability to pay.  This generous philosophy means that your support is crucial to ensuring not only the development of new cutting edge cures, but also to provide care to kids from all corners of the globe.

Obviously, Destructoid is in. That’s a given. However, with us being us, we wanted to provide a special little twist. First of all, I am challenging the Destructoid community to show just how awesome it is by getting you to sponsor me. Go RIGHT HERE and sponsor. Do it. DO EET! Give money, help kids, prove that you’re the most awesome gaming community on the ‘net. I want you to help me raise $5000, and I know you can do it.

But I won’t be doing this gratis, OH no. If you are able to raise $5000, you will be richly rewarded. You see, if you help me snag 5K for charity, I will do more than simply play a videogame for the allotted time. I, James Delacroix Sterling, will …

Play SingStar for twenty-four hours — live!

You heard it here first. Unless you just checked out Sarcastic Gamer’s latest podcast, in which case you heard it there first. Hit the jump for more.

If everybody reading this chipped in just a little, then we should more than raise what I’m asking for. It’s not really very much in exchange for helping a terrific charity that’s beginning to become something massive, AND getting to see me play SingStar, which we are going to broadcast and film for your viewing pleasure.

Just think about this for a moment. That’s twenty-four hours of singing. If we exceed $5000 by a significant amount, I’ll even take requests. You might be able to force me to sing Total Eclipse of the Heart for an entire hour. 

Whether you love or hate Jim Sterling, you’re bound to get something for your investment: If you’re a fan of myself, you get to see me doing something great for charity and can have a laugh and all that bollocks. But if you hate me, you get to see twenty-four hours of this monocle-wearing git inflicting physical and emotional trauma on himself.

No matter what side of the fence you’re on, any money given is going to be worth it. Think about it — I might die. If you want to be able to tell your grandkids that technically you killed Jim Sterling, then give, give, give and make your dreams a reality.

But for cereal, this is about more than that. Doc at Sarcastic Gamer is trying to do something wonderful and he wants help to do it. I know how great some of you guys are, how you’ve helped your fellow Destructoid community members in times of need, dug deep and made a difference. You people are fucking shitting saucesome at that.

It will cost less than a videogame to chip in and help

Can I count on you to help? I really do hope I can, because I can’t wait to potentially cripple myself. Go here, sponsor, and be part of Extra Life. You will help make a difference to the lives of countless children, and potentially warp the life of one man beyond all repair. 

Go now, and be awesome. 



About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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