Square knows how to tantalize: take a look at this ad for Chrono Trigger DS

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Square-Enix are very, very clever. Rather than market Chrono Trigger in such a way where it will appeal to people who have never played the game before, they’re notching their arrow and aiming right for the heart of the real fan — the gamer who fell in love with this game thirteen years ago.

Any person who has played this game over and over knows the first line of dialogue that opens the game — in fact, hearing it makes one feel all warm and gooey inside. The ad that you see above is running in magazines now, and I’m pretty sure I won’t be the only one that got a huge, ridiculous smile on my face from seeing it.

Square also tacked the tagline onto the Chrono Trigger DS website, so if you go to goodmorningcrono.com, you get greeted with a black screen with the same ad before you launch into the regular website. I didn’t know I could be so hyped for a game I’ve already played. Let’s hope by November 25th I haven’t put on my Frog cosplay ensemble and camped out on the stoop at a Gamestop, because that would just be downright embarrassing.

[NeoGAF Via C3 News – Thanks, Adam]

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Colette Bennett
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