[UPDATE] The Awesome Apocalypse now to support bewbs!

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Not prepared for the impending Awesome Apocalypse? Find yourself lacking in 100% cotton garments of WIN and AWESOME? Fret not, my dear fans of RetroforceGO! The combined powers of retro, Splitreason, and Adam “The bitches call me Welkstar” Welker have banded together to bring you this amaaaaaaaaazing news:

The RetroforceGO! official t-shirt is now available.



Seriously! What are you still doing here?! You need to be RIGHT HERE if you want to be getting your love for all things retro on. Go now and help to spread the gospel of the pixel to the unwashed polygon masses! Show that you are all awesome all the time to those who would doubt your intense retro skills! Make a ham sammich and laugh while eating it! You can do whatever you like, but now you can do so in a sexy RetroforceGO! t-shirt!*

[*Shirt is guaranteed sexy even if you aren’t. Shirt will not protect you from biblical apocalypses, zombie cancer, or mimes. As always, all monies generated go directly to the artist. Chad Concelmo is still incredibly handsome.]

[Update: In recent talks with the fine folks over at Splitreason, the RetroforceGO! team has learned several awesome pieces of information. First, the medium size shirts are in short supply. What that means is that there will be couple of weeks delay in filling those orders. Why is that awesome? Because it leads into the second piece of information: Since we’re already going into a second printing, there’s “no better time” to start printing up some shirts for the ladies.

Yes! Those of you with boobs should keep an eye on the Splitreason site over the next few weeks, or just keep your eyes peeled here at the ‘Toid for you sexy retro wrappins to be available.]

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