So you wanted that Wii Backup Loader? Too bad

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Remember that Wii Backup Loader I chatted you up about last week, that would “swing open” the doors of piracy for the not so clever yo-ho-ho’s that hadn’t hacked their own consoles months ago? Apparently I shouldn’t have told you about it, as it seems I ruined the surprise. From the developer’s site:

“Congratulations! I don’t care about who leaked Backup-Loader but now it’s OFFICIALLY an abandoned project. Enjoy it.”

Oh no! We talked about news on the internet! I feel bad now, I really do. Since this guy was the only one to create this particular method, there’s only one major hole for Nintendo to patch and it would leave future hackers in the dirt as to where to begin when it comes to this method. Oh well, I guess you’ll just have to buy official Nintendo products or invent your own method. I hate the idea of Reggie using my money to get meatier, but what can I do.

[Thanks, Pew!]

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Colette Bennett
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