Fatal Frame IV features Luigi outfit, Nintendo fails with US release info

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The Nintendo of Japan-published Wii exclusive Fatal Frame IV launched in Japan last week, and all sorts of secrets and game info are starting to pour in.

Among the secrets is the slew of unlockable costumes for the game’s four characters, and it looks like one of the outfits is a spot-on match for Nintendo’s “always the bridesmaid, never the bride” plumber, Luigi. It makes sense — Luigi already has ghost hunting experience, having cleared haunted areas with a high-powered vacuum in Luigi’s Mansion on the GameCube. 

So far, no North American release information has been revealed for Fatal Frame IV. At this year’s E3, neither Nintendo or developer Tecmo made any mention of the game. Post-E3, however, Tecmo representatives were telling press to check with Nintendo of America. When contacted, NOA reps were quiet, telling us that they’d let us know as soon as they had some solid information. 

With Nintendo having shown their first-party Wii hand for the remainder of 2008 (WiiMusic, Wario Land: Shake It!), it’s possible we won’t see a North American release of Fatal Frame IV this year. We’re crossing our fingers for a Halloween surprise, though.

[Via Ruliweb]

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Nick Chester
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