Comic-Con 08: Play Spore forever and never see everything

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At Comic-Con this week, co-founder of Maxis and The Sims creator Will Wright revealed a bit about Spore’s depth during a large demo of the game. According to Eurogamer, Wright claimed that players would never see the entirety of the game, regardless of how long they play. Considering the nature of the title, Wright may be correct in that regard.  

He then went on to debut “MashOn,” which is a tool inside of Spore that will allow players to create their own comic books with both digital images and videos. The idea according to Wright is that videogames should be “tools of self-expression.” The showing of MashOn only punctuated his point earlier during the demo, in which he stated that most games will put you in the shoes of “a Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins” but Spore will allows players to be “in the role of Lucas or Tolkien.”

Honestly, as time goes by, I’ve become less and less enthused about what Spore will bring to the table. Sure, creating phallic monsters is an awesome pastime and enjoyable to boot, but how long will you have to play to really get the full experience of the game? Regardless, it looks as though Wright is certainly excited about his product. How about you guys?

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Brad BradNicholson
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