Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?

whatcha been playing deaths door

Festive Fumbling

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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… I mean, it’s not. Not at all. But the calendar says so and who am I to doubt that pinned-up paper-lord of time? I don’t know what your personal plans are, but I hope the coming fortnight brings you any combination of joy, love, warmth, rest, happiness, or simply just respite from what has been a fast, relentless year. If you have an incredible holiday week with all the trimmings, then that’s fantastic, but if you just simply get a few days of work and nothing more, that’s great too. Make this week work for you in whatever way you’d like it to. Until then, whatcha been playing?

I haven’t played anything worth jabbering about this week, at least nothing new. I do think that this year has been a good one for gaming. I hope that you’ve played some real gems, and that the coming holidays give you the opportunity to pick up on one or two hits that might have passed you by — Death’s Door can be completed in about 10 hours. Just saying. I’ll be working almost all of the coming week as per usual, so you can always find gaming talk here if you see yourself at a loose end. The doors are always open for our community.

Before you hit this final weekend of preparation, gift-buying, food gathering, or excuse-making, it would be totally tubular if you could jump into the comments and fill us in on the games that are gobbling up your precious spare time. Maybe you’re nailing down your own personal GOTY lists, maybe you’re curled up in the warmth with some winter favorites, or maybe you’re cramming, desperately looking for that one title of 2021 that blows you outta your seat. Whatever you’re rocking, for whatever reason, let the community know Whatcha Been Playing. We never, ever tire of hearing from you. Thanks for taking time out at this busy time of the year to kick off your Saturday with us.

Have a wonderful weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.

About The Author
destructoid chris moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse
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