Teenager BURNS a Pac-Man into his flesh

This is one of those stories you can file under “JESUS TITTING CHRIST!” A teenage boy has used a laser-etching machine to “brand” himself with an image of Pac-Man, burning the iconic arcade character into his skin.

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The self-scourging Pac-Man fan modified an industrial etching machine to perform the dangerous deed, disabling its safety mechanism with a die and a magnet. He then used its searing hot laser to scar the image into his arm. He also “tattooed” a Space Invader on the arm and a robot on his hand, one that looks suspiciously like a relative of our very own Mr. Destructoid.

Naturally, as with all young men who do stupid things, he filmed his escapades, and the video is embedded after the jump. It might not be for the squeamish among you, as it’s quite painful to watch, both for the physical pain, and the outright lack of intelligence displayed.

He’s laughing now of course, but we’ll see how funny it is when that Pac-Man design gets distorted … from all the tumors bubbling up underneath it.

[Cheers, Rorschach]

About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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