If you have no idea what Earthbound is, than you likely are wondering why I am slapping a big ESRB listing screencopy here like it’s big news. If you are a fan, however, your computer has likely been thrown on the floor in the force of the berserk excitement you experienced after reading this headline. Yes, Earthbound fans … what you see above is a listing on the ESRB website for Earthbound on the Wii.
New game or Virtual Console release? Well, we don’t know, although some news from last year points to the latter. For all we know, this could vanish in a few days, as some other titles have done after matlocking brought them to light. I hope not though, as a VC release would mean not only awesome times for fans of the game, but also that tons of people who have never touched it might stumble upon it…even kids, perhaps…it could end up being the game that makes them a fan of RPGs for life. I’m starry-eyed over thoughts of my own childhood, I admit, but who could blame me. Viva la Earthbound!
[Via Vooks.net — Thanks, Jonathan]