Duplicates ordered: Fatal Frame II and III reprinted

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Ah, the wishy-washy world of rare game collecting. It’s a real bitch these days. Here latetly, it seems that my collection of rare PS2 games are all going the way of the dodo. Let’s not even talk about REZ.

Some of my most prized games are from the Fatal Frame a-camera-is-your-only-weapon survival horror series. These titles, all PS2 games, range in availability. But good, clean copies usually fetch a decent price, and mint copies go for even more. I have always displayed my perfectly mint, semi-rare copies of these games with gamer pride. And that’s why I tried my best to ignore buzzings of a reprint of Fatal Frame II and III.

Siliconera had to go and rub it in my face, and the good deal that Cheap Ass Gamer presents us hurts the collector in me even more. That’s right:  Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly and Fatal Frame III: The Tormented are now available thanks to a reprint, and CAG has a coupon code that lets you nab II for only $29.99. That deal ends today, so you had better get a move on.

In the end, I think this is a good thing. Both of these Fatal Frame games are incredible titles, totally deserving of their sought-after status. If a reprint means that more gamers the the privelage of playing these great (and freaky) titles, then I’m all for it. 

Semi-NSFW Fatal Frame hentai-ish picture after the jump. 

While we’re at it: more Totally NSFW Fatal Frame hentai doujin details here

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Dale North
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