And that’s gonna be my cue to play again
[Update: Update 1.12 added photo mode to the PlayStation 4 version of Death Stranding. Once it’s installed, you can pull up photo mode in the game using the left-hand side of the touchpad.]
It’s hard to keep Death Stranding off my mind given the world’s current state of affairs. I’ve been meaning to dive back into Kojima’s haunted world – I still have several preppers to rank-up, and I can’t leave them hanging forever – but right now, I’d rather play something lighter. Something care-free.
I’ll probably pick Death Stranding back up once the photo mode update arrives.
The feature was originally announced for the spruced-up PC version coming in June, but today, Kojima Productions confirmed that a photo mode will also be available on PlayStation 4. You’d hope as much!
Thank you for your feedback everyone! We’re happy to confirm that Photo Mode will be coming soon to DEATH STRANDING on PS4. Stay tuned for more details!#KeepOnKeepingOn#DeathStranding
— Kojima Productions (@KojiPro2015_EN) March 24, 2020
We’ve said it before and I’ll say it once more: now we just need a portable music player.
I one-hundred percent understand why we can’t listen to Low Roar whenever we want – those special moments hit at the exact right time and place in Death Stranding – but I think a post-game bonus would make a lot of sense. Heck, they can hold it back as a final pat-on-the-back reward. I wouldn’t mind at all.