ZOMG: From the makers of Velociraptor Safari comes Jetpack Brontosaurus

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There isn’t really a damn thing to say here except that the folks at Flashbang Studios are f*cking geniuses. The only thing we know about Jetpack Brontosaurus is that you’re a Brontosaurus that flies around with a Jetpack. The premise and the concept art has me sold already.

Seriously, these guys need to start making games for XBLA, WiiWare and PSN. Off-Road Velocirapter Safari is still fun and some of their other games are great too. We shall of course let you all know when this game is out. 

Hopefully, the next game they make is something based on GuitarAtomik’s Cyborg T-Rex clothesline. That would be the bee’s knees.

[Word up, PrinceofCannedPeaches.] 

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Hamza Aziz
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