A man who ended up buying a broken Nintendo Wii from Craigslist tried to contact the seller, only to find that his contact information was false. Of course. Having paid $250 for the broken console, the buyer contacted the police. Luckily, the buyer’s wife was smart enough to note the sellers license plate number earlier during the exchange.
It turns out – big surprise – that the Wii console was a stolen one. The man who reported its theft used to be friends with the suspect, but eventually went their separate ways after the guy “got involved with drugs and started to steal items from him.”
When the police went to the suspects house, the suspect’s girlfriend said that he was not home. Upon entering the home to search for confirmation, the police found the suspect hiding in the closet.
He was taken to Kitsap County jail on suspicion of possession of stolen property and trafficking stolen property. Bail was set at $20,000. That number should be higher for knowingly selling a broken console. There should be a law.
[Via Kitsap Sun — thanks, JR]