The Weekend Hotness 06/08/08

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It’s damn good to hear that the Chronicles of Riddick game is still in the works. I loved the first one, but got stuck half way through and gave up. Next time though, I’m going all the way through!

Grim does a Monthly Musing piece, John Mayer hates Guitar Hero, Dtoider Suff0cat represents Dtoid at a WWE match and more happen over the weekend. 

Weekend Regulars:
Weekend Destructainment: Gotta catch ’em all
Best of the Network this week
Games of the week for 06/08/08: Avocado bathroom edition
Highlights from the Destructoid Community 06/08/08

Damn it:
RetroforceGO! is going on summer vacation!

Original Features:
The start of the affair: Yoshi’s Island

The Sims are moving on up: New games let them experience apartment life
John Mayer is not a Guitar Hero fan
Microsoft didn’t get GTA IV’s DLC delay memo
Non-Americans have to survive without a Fallout 3 Survival Edition
Chris Taylor announces Dungeon Siege 3
Crytek: Crysis Warhead our last exclusive PC game, ports will be unique
Konami says ‘sh*t happens’ on the subject of broken street dates
Take-Two is a prize whore, claims milkshake brings all boys to yard
RPGbox 360: Upcoming event in Japan shows off new roleplayers
Wii finally using its USB capabilities?
Phew: Chronicles of Riddick remake not dead
Things on Wheels achievement contest winners revealed

Rumortoid: More Xbox Blu-ray madness

Keighley vs. Moore: a FaceBreaker showdown

Destructoid invades WWE again!
C Blogs of 06/07/08
C Blogs of 06/08/08

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
More Stories by Hamza Aziz