Even after talking to the famed tipster Surfer Girl, we still don’t know what to make of her. We do know that she says a lot of things that we like to hear, and on Christmas she said that the Mother/Earthbound series will come to the US, possibly sometime next year.
Listed as #2 in her December twenty-fifth things, SG says that the title will hit either the Nintendo Wii or DS, which makes total sense as Mother is a Nintendo series.
Among other rumors/tips, we see that Team Ico is supposedly working on a couple more titles, and one is likened to Echochrome. Also, she says that Kane & Lynch 2 is still happening.
We’ve heard rumors that Earthbound is US bound for so long now that it’s hard to believe anymore, so for now we’ll stay positive and look to the lyrics of Earthbound‘s “Pollyana – I Believe in You” as a source of hope.
I believe the morning sun is always going to shine again, and
I believe a pot of gold waits at every rainbow’s end
I believe in roses kissed with dew
Why shouldn’t I believe the same in you?
Hit the jump for the rest of Surfer Girl’s predictions.
1) SSX 5 is dead, rivalry between fall 2008 PS360 snowboarding titles of Montreal studios still existent.
2) The Mother/Earthbound series is coming to Wii and/or DS stateside, very possibly next year.
3) Team Ico is working on two titles (maybe three), one major and the other(s) smaller. The smaller one(s) is/are more like Echochrome and does/do not take place inside the Ico canon.
4) Kane & Lynch 2 is still happening.
5) Also to look forward to next year is “Shrek going to unprecedented video game territory.” Using skills of deduction, it is either a music title or a quality title. It is fairly obvious that the latter is definite no, so it probably a musical title.
6) Even more exciting unprecedented occurrence in interactive entertainment is the release of a new Leisure Suit Larry title and a new Sex & the City titles in the same year for mobile communication tools, computing devices and other things.
7) A2M is working on Indiana Jones for people who cannot stand to play consoles with the number three in the name–DS/Wii/PS2/PSP.
8) EA’s Wii Balance Board title ain’t SSX.
9) Cyclomite is absolutely amazing.
10) When is Rage coming out?
Second half of 2009.