There’s a few downloadable goodies in this week’s PlayStation Network update, but there’s no point in beating around the bush — the PlayStation classic Wild Arms is available as a PSP/PS3 download today. For only $5.99, you can own one of the best (and best sounding) PlayStation RPGs ever.
Not the classic RPG type? Maybe some High Velocity Bowling ($9.99, 514mb) would be more your speed. Get ready to swing some SIXAXIS in this PS3 title.
As for add-on content this week, there’s the Folklore add-on packs ($3.99 each, or $5.99 for both) we told you about earlier, as well as a new MotorStorm vehicle ($.99) and several Black Sabbath Rock Band songs.
There’s only one game demo this week: TimeShift Multiplayer demo (757mb).
As always, here’s the videos:
- GTA IV – Trailer 3 “Move up, ladies”
- MGS4 – TGS 2007 Trailer
- Uncharted “Environments” Video
- TimeShift FPS Video 3
- Turok Interview Trailer 1
- Battlefield “Frostbite” Video
- The Legend of Zorro Blu-ray Disc Trailer
Lastly, there are new Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted PS3 themes up. They’re nice, but you should be using the Destructoid ones instead.
Hit the jump to see the updates for the PlayStation Store for PC.
You know about the PlayStation Store for PC, right? We almost forgot, too. Now that it’s regularly updating, we’ll cover it at the same time each week. Here’s this week’s additions:
Downloadable Games
* Beats ($4.99)PS one Classics
* Wild Arms ($5.99)Game Videos (free)
* SOCOM FTB Trailer
* GTA IV Trailer 2
* Heaven Sword Anime 1
* Heaven Sword Anime 2
* Heaven Sword Anime 3
* Heaven Sword Anime 4
* Heaven Sword Anime 5
* Ratchet & Clank Future ToD Trailer 1
* Uncharted TrailerPSP Wallpaper (free)
* LocoRoco Holiday Wallpaper
* Ratchet & Clank Size Matters (2)
[Via the PlayStation Blog]
Published: Dec 7, 2007 3:50 AM UTC