Imitation is the highest form of flattery: 2K Sports releases cheats for NBA 2K8

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I was getting really excited about asking my esteemed colleague Chad Concelmo to focus on NBA Jam for one of his Memory Card articles. But then I realized that the greatness of those games couldn’t technically be summed up in a “moment” per se, so that went out the window. Oh, well.

Regardless, some of my favorite memories from those old-school arcade-style basketball titles came out of the ridiculous cheat codes in the games. I know I’m not alone when I fondly recall throwing down dunks with Bill Clinton and Al Gore…good times, good times.

It seems that 2K Sports knows to pay homage to their predecessors and have a little fun, even in a sim atmosphere. They’ve just put out a bunch of cheat codes for NBA 2K8, and while you can’t play with Benny the Bull, there’s some good stuff there. For example, entering “payrespect” will allow you to play with the old red, white, and blue ABA ball.

Hit the jump for the full list, which contains ten cheats. And for those (few) of you who own NBA 2K8, let us know what these codes do. I’m particularly curious about the “VC team” cheat. Let’s just hope it’s something harmless like “Virtual Console” or “Vince Carter” as opposed to, say, “Viet Cong”…

Code Description
cpares IND secondary road uniform
agtaccsinr CHA racing uniform
amcnreo Valentine’s Day – CLE / SEA
haeitgyebs 2008 All-Star uniforms
uclerehanp St. Patrick’s Day – BOS / CHI / NY / TOR
llmohffaae Superstars team
nba2k NBA 2K team
2ksports 2K Sports team
vcteam VC team
payrespect ABA ball
About The Author
Samit Sarkar
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