The Great Retro Quiz! .24: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to another edition of The Great Retro Quiz!, the weekly trivia challenge that puts your knowledge of retro games to the test. I am your host, Chad Concelmo, and, as always, this week’s post is sponsored by RetroforceGO!. Remember, for every person that listens to Retroforce or participates in this quiz, an abandoned puppy gets adopted.

This week’s quiz is all about Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This is one of my favorite games of all time and the addictive gameplay stills holds up today. In fact, I just got done playing it and have officially decided that King Hippo is one of the most awesome creations, well, ever. Are you as big a fan of the game as I am? Take the quiz to find out!

Just leave your answers in the comments and check my community blog tomorrow (3/20) to see how many you got right.

Do it for the puppies! Good luck!

The Great Retro Quiz! .24

Category: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
Number of questions: 20
Difficulty: Normal

1. Imposter alert! Quick! Find the real Little Mac!

2. What is the name of Little Mac’s trainer?

a. Doc Louis
b. Sonny Byrnes
c. Red Tom
d. Pepper Jackson

3. What is missing from the below screenshot?

a. Stars
b. Hearts
c. Boxing gloves
d. Trophies

4. Ridiculously easy question of the week! Who is the referee in Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!?

a. Mario
b. Luigi
c. Toad
d. Princess Peach

5. Dammit, the imposters are back! Hurry! Find the real Little Mac again!

6. Analogy fun! Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! : Mike Tyson : : Punch-Out!! :

a. Super Macho Man
b. Mr. Dream
c. Dragon Chan
d. Nick Bruiser

7. Going into the fight with Little Mac, what is Glass Joe’s record?

a. 0-99
b. 0-100
c. 1-99
d. 1-100

Awesome attack alert! Match the special move with the fighter that performs it:

8. Dreamland Express

9. Super Spin Punch

10. What body part needs to be punched in order to reveal King Hippo’s weak spot?

11. A punch to the gut or a punch to the face? How can Bald Bull’s “Bull Charge” be stopped?

a. A punch to the gut
b. A punch to the face

*Bonus point: How many times does Bald Bull need to hop before Little Mac delivers the above lethal blow?

12. What does Don Flamenco carry in his mouth before he begins a fight?

13. Before making it to the NES, what was Soda Popinski’s original name?

a. Whiskey Robbins
b. Tequila Shotinski
c. Rummy Reynolds
d. Vodka Drunkenski

The writing in Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! is amazing. Match the fighter with one of his classic quotes:

14. “I work on my tan harder than I’ll have to work on you!”

15. “I’m going to make you feel punch drunk!”

16. “I’ll give you a TKO from Tokyo!”

17. “My Barber didn’t know when to quit… Do you?”

18. What famous landmark does Little Mac like to jog in front of?

a. The World Trade Centerb. The Statue of Liberty
c. Mt. Rushmored. The Hollywood sign

19. Little Mac hates his noisy neighbor and wants to uppercut him in the face. What cereal would he need to eat before he could accomplish this?

a. Cheerios
b. Fruit Loops
c. Lucky Charms
d. Cocoa Puffs

20. True or false: In 1990, Mike Tyson was replaced in the game by a new character because of his notorious social exploits, including (but not limited to) a horrible rape conviction.

The Great Retro Quiz! Study Materials

.21: King’s Quest
.22: The characters of Super Smash Bros.
.23: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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