New Crucible PVP map unlocked for Destiny 2 after world first raid clear

Leviathan is bested

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Destiny raids are known for being cleared in under 24 hours by world-first raid groups, so seeing the clan “The Legend Himself” best the newly minted Leviathan raid in Destiny 2 is no surprise. Now I know what you’re thinking — it’s already cleared, it must be easy! Well, no.

These people are highly dedicated, have farmed an enormous amount of gear to account for any given situation, and have some of the most talented Destiny players on the planet working on the same wavelength to figure out mechanics. Most random parties will be lucky to clear the first few zones on the first day — my group made pretty good progress and got to the second to last area (past Gardens) in seven hours or so before we had to break for the day.

However you slice it, the world first clear brings forth a new Crucible (PVP) map called Emperor’s Respite, which is themed around the raid’s golden architecture. I’ve never been big into PVP in Destiny, especially with the 4v4 limitation, but it’s still a thing you can play!

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!
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