I think it is about time to test your (so far very impressive) retro knowledge on something a little less “mainstream” than Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda. After considering many different games, I decided the awesome ActRaiser for the Super Nintendo was the perfect candidate. The game has a cult following, but is random enough to offer a pretty significant trivia challenge (even to the people that have played it).
It also helps that I absolutely adore the game. So if you do really well on this quiz you are officially the coolest person that ever lived (and my new best friend).
Just leave your answers in the comments and whoever gets the most right will win. Win what, you ask? Did you not read what I just wrote? Best friends. Forever. Is that not enough? You can check my community blog tomorrow (1/17) for the correct answers and to see how you did.
Don’t everyone hit the jump at once! Good luck!
The Great Retro Quiz! .18
Category: ActRaiser
Number of questions: 20
1. Who published ActRaiser?
a. SquareSoft
b. Capcom
c. Enix
d. Konami
World map memories! Name the territory:
2. Bloodpool
3. Fillmore
4. Marahna
5. Aitos
6. What is the name of the temple your character resides in?
a. The
7. Which of the below God powers helps you clear away pesky rocks?
8. How many villagers seal a monster lair?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 10
9. You just gained a level in ActRaiser! Yay! What did you do?
a. Killed a certain amount of enemies
b. Collected a hidden power-up
c. Increased the population of your village
d. Defeated two bosses in a row
10. Which of the below is not a magic spell?
11. What is the name of the unlucky young boy who (after getting lost for days) draws the unfortunate lot and is sent by his village to be sacrificed?
a. William
c. Alexander
d. Teddy
12. After depleting half of the below boss’s energy, what kind of creature does he turn into?
a. Werewolf
b. Minotaur
c. Dragon
d. Gorgon
13. What item is used to stifle the war in Bloodpool?
a. A white flag
b. A harp
c. A cannon
d. An ancient tablet
Oh noes!
14. Destroyed his family’s corn field
15. Electrocuted his boss
16. Demolished an entire city
17. Kidnapped an old woman
18. Which of the below is not an end-of-the-level boss?
19. Your significant other really wants a Magical Aura as an anniversary gift. Where should you go to find one?
20. Who is “The Evil One?”
a. Kalia
b. Dagoba
c. Death Heim
d. Tanzra
Published: Jan 16, 2008 01:33 pm