Yeah, funny things happen sometimes. Like when you think that you’ve done 31 awesome shows, but you’ve only done 30, but you still think that the latest show is number 32 — sort of. At least I find it funny when these things happen, and they seem to happen quite often here at RetroforceGO! Mostly because we’re so continuously dazzled and amaaaaazed by the shining light that is Chad Concelmo, that mere numerals and their inherent meaning become insignificant squiggles and scratches on paper when confronted with the gaze of his unyielding optimism.
Or maybe we’re just getting old.
- Chad and Dyson sing a DLC duet, sparks fly
- Goodwill rocks extra hard this week
- Emulators don’t come with instruction manuals
- Topher sends awesome text messages
- The Rev Rant returns!
- Is that a Colette I hear?
- It is! But she’s sick, and in a bucket, in a well
- Bubble Bobble has a story?
- Chad wins Colette by default
- Quackshot rules
- Conglaturations!
So, my friendly little friendlies, now is the time in which you will make a mad dash to our podcast page to savor and enjoy this week’s delectable offering of retro. Enjoy what we have to offer up to you about game endings, and we look forward to seeing you again next week.