Stick it to The Man on Switch this month

How does that make you feeeeel?

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I’ve got a lot to say about this, but let me squeeze out the “news” portion of the article first, before I start gushing. Stick it to The Man is heading to the Nintendo Switch on November 23, 2017. It’ll feature HD Rumble, Pro Controller support, and a price point of $11.99 when it launches. 

The story revolves around a hard hat tester (This is exactly what it sounds like. They drop shit on his head while he’s wearing different hats…) named Ray who gets hit on the head by an object that falls out of the sky and grants him the ability to read the minds of others as well as influence them through the use of a big, pink “spaghetti arm” that sticks out from his brain. Character’s desires appear in thought bubbles that contain “stickers,” and you’ll swap them around between NPCs to solve various puzzles involving things like dentures, divas, seagulls, and a dead mouse. It’s exactly as ridiculous as it sounds.

As many of you are no doubt aware, I’m a little bit obsessed with this game. No exaggeration, it’s easily in my top five of all time due to its fantastic writing. It’s all just so gloriously dumb that I can’t help but love it. When I found out, several months back, that Ryan North, the writer of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, was also behind the story of Stick it to The Man, it blew my fragile, little mind. Two of my favorite things, across two separate forms of media, can be traced back to this guy. Hell, I even got a hand drawn picture of the Destructoid Robot featured in a Marvel comic book — in the Letters From Nuts column of Squirrel Girl issue 19 before I got a job here! Needless to say, I was pretty stoked about it.

Mr. North and Zoink! have recently teamed up again to deliver, the “spiritual successor” to Stick it to The Man, Flipping Death which is scheduled for an early 2018 release. Supposedly, the first game isn’t required reading for it, but there are going to be plenty of jokes for returning fans sprinkled throughout. They’re stand-alone stories but have a “shared universe,” and Ray, the protagonist from the original, is even featured in the trailer for Flipping Death as a ghost! Spooky!

If you never got around to playing this gem when it first came out, I highly recommend giving it a shot. Don’t just take my word for it though. Destructoid even gave this beauty a 9.5 in its review back in 2013. Hopefully, this release will deliver the same level of quality on the Switch. 

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Kevin Mersereau
I like video games, music, comics, and corgis a whole lot. Pretty much everything I do in my free time revolves around these four things...
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