Japan VS USA Robot fight is tonight! Watch it here at 9PM Central!


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[The Duel starts at 9PM Central!]

In 2012, the world was introduced to KURATAS, a giant 9,000 lbs piloted mech robot by Suidobashi Heavy Industries from Japan. The KURATAS was very much a prototype at the time and dubbed more as an “art piece” by its creators. Fast forward to 2015, Megabots inc from the US of A completed their own piloted mech Mk II MegaBot and challenged the Suidobashi Heavy industries’ KURATAS of Japan to a robot duel to take place in a year. Suidobashi accepted the challenge and the world waited for this epic duel.

It is now 2017, a year longer than the initial challenge and the duel is now within an hour from now! The fighting will be a knock out system where disabling or knocking over the opponent will earn a victory. Join us here as we watch history unfold between the Eagle Prime and KURATAS, and see what will happen in this robot versus tractor robot fight. 


About The Author
Red Veron
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