Former Valve writer Chet Faliszek heading up ‘PC action co-op game’ at Bossa

Lovely to see him take on a new game

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Earlier this year, Valve said goodbye to Chet Faliszek, a long-time writer for the company who worked on the Half-Life 2 episodes, Portal, its sequel, and both Left 4 Dead games. At the time, he said his departure wasn’t “exciting or drama filled,” and he didn’t announce where he’d be heading to next.

Now we know! Faliszek has joined Bossa Studios to direct “an unannounced PC action co-op game trying to do something new in the narrative space using AI.” The London-based developer is known for titles like Surgeon Simulator, I Am Bread, and more recently Worlds Adrift.

Faliszek added in follow-up tweets that the project “is not VR” and that he’ll be staying put in Seattle.

I think all hiring news should be proceeded by pet reactions.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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