Leaked Prince of Persia 4 screenshots and info?

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I have no idea what Surfer Girl Reviews is, or where it came from (the blog has only ten posts to date, with only two being videogame related), but here we go …

*clears throat*

Surfer Girl Reviews are reporting that they have acquired the first screenshots for the forthcoming Prince of Persia title, which they are calling Prince of Persia 4/0/Ghosts of the Past. They go on to say that the multiplatform title (PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, PC) will feature a younger Prince than seen in previous PoP triolgy, will be a prequel to that series, and signal the start of the new trilogy. 

The style of the game is said to be closer to The Sands of Time, Ico, and Zelda, ditching the darker, angrier edge of the last two games. Just quickly glancing at these images, it certainly has an Ico/Shadow of the Colossus feel to it.

While we can safely assume that there’s a new Prince of Persia game being developed by Ubisoft, there’s nothing here that gives us confidence that these images and this info is legitimate. Still, you never know, and only time will tell*.

* That was not an intentional reference to the Sands of Time trilogy, because that would have been awful if it were. I promise. 

[Via Kotaku]

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Nick Chester
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