Steam analyst claims 1.2 million people owned Fallout 4 at launch

No info on actual launch sales

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Sergey Galyonkin, the man behind Steam analytics site SteamSpy, recently published some initial thoughts on Fallout 4‘s PC launch via Twitter. Galyonkin acknowledged the unreliability inherent to the way the site pulls in data, reminding his followers that the initial figure was not perfect.

That said, SteamSpy currently has Fallout 4 at 1,287,128 copies sold as of November 10, give or take about 28,000, including pre-orders sold before launch. The site also reports a peak of 471,083 people playing concurrently and 244,138 people watching Fallout 4 Twitch streams. There’s a lot of data available for the curious, right down to geographical information for users with registered SteamSpy accounts. (A lot of people in the United States have been playing Fallout 4, as it turns out.)

According to Galyonkin, we have another three days before the site will publish a more reliable estimate. “Usually, in cases like these I just outright delete day 1 and start with day 2,” Galyonkin wrote in a Tweet published earlier today. The website’s ‘about’ page says that SteamSpy pulls data from Steam user information, accounting for a fairly sizable margin of error. “The data is based on several days samples: from three days for individual apps to seven days for location-based info. It means that Steam Spy is completely unreliable for recently released games.”

If you find marginally unreliable video game statistics as fascinating as I do, give the rest of Galyonkin’s graphs a look. The Black Ops III data in particular is very revealing.

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Mike Cosimano
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