We all know that Jack Thompson’s ideas aren’t exactly the most sensible or intelligent. Maybe his plan is to continue spouting the most insane babble on Earth to keep himself in the news, but hey, so long as he’s doing things crazy things like fighting Halo 3, I’ll happily give him the attention he deserves. It was many, many months ago when Jack O’ Lantern first wrote one of his love letters to Microsoft, having decided Halo 3 was evil and to be stopped, and he hasn’t forgotten his grudge.
Thompson aims to have Halo 3 declared a public nuisance in Florida in a tactic identical to his failed attempt to stop Bully going on sale last year. Recycling failed ideas, Mr. Thompson? Bad form, old chap. Of course, the main issue here is that no videogame can be tried as a public nuisance, as it doesn’t involve gambling, lewd conduct or prostitution. Any competent lawyer would know that, but Thompson is preparing to try it anyway, for the second time in as many years.
It’s quite obvious why Thompson has a problem with Halo 3 — it’s the biggest game release of the year and has generated a lot of attention, attention that Thompson aims to leech off of like the parasite he is. Amusingly, that very same reason is also why Thompson will fail. Everybody knows you can’t fight the mainstream, and Halo 3 is as mainstream as gaming gets. Still, people wonder why I cover the man when he’s doing pathetic stuff like this. Should speak for itself.
[Thanks, Action Bastard]