June’s Band of Bloggers: Open Range!

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[Band of Bloggers, the community-run game club, is back for June. So read up on what the theme is, pick a game, play it, and come back to talk about it. Just like a book club! Just title it Open Range: [your blog title] and show everyone what you were up to! ~Strider]

Well, since literally not a single person put forth anything even remotely resembling a suggestion for this month’s BoB in the recent recap we’ll be going with my original idea! For the month of June, I want everyone to set out in a world where they can be free to do what they want! I want you to go out on an adventure, whether for the sake of the world, for personal satisfaction, or just for the hell of it.

When it comes to open-world games you’ve really got endless possibilities these days, so pick whatever will incentivize you to explore. Go for the traditional fantasy world and explore The Witcher 3, Kingdoms of Amalur, or Dragon’s Dogma. Go for a post-apocalyptic world and scrounge for survival in Stalker or Fallout. Go to any open world you can think of, but be sure to come back with a story to tell!

As an added bonus (and you don’t have to do this, but consider it an extra credit option) rather than go the traditional review or retrospective route with the game you choose, try to create something unique! Detail what makes the world you explored so interesting and how it stands out, compare and contrast similar worlds, create a story of your own in that world — whatever you can think of. Anything you take the time to create for this event will be included regardless, but it never hurts to really flex those creative muscles! 

I look forward to seeing what you write! Thanks for reading.

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