Star Wars and Marvel on the table for Kingdom Hearts III

Darth Vader as Organization XIII

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First, let’s remember that Kingdom Hearts 2 did Pirates of the Caribbean and John Depp. And they released games called Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Birth By Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance, so the series is insane. 

And the idea that new Disney properties Star Wars and Marvel are, “all under consideration” for the Kingdom Hearts universe, according to co-director Tai Yasue, isn’t that surprising. 

Yasue told Kotaku UK that, “Nothing’s off-limits, we’re considering all of the worlds. There are so many wonderful concepts. We’re happy about that, but at the same time it’s really tough to choose.” 

Marvel and Star Wars add to an already enormous list of properties Kingdom Hearts 3 can pull from, and you know Disney will want some of its newer popular films in the mix. With how big Frozen is (in Japan, too), it seems a surefire world, but I’d like to see some Princess and the Frog in there (and more 2D from Disney, really). And would Wreck-It Ralph be too meta? 

But yeah, seeing Batman and Captain Picard would be cool, too. 

Marvel and Star Wars are “Not Off-Limits” for Kingdom Hearts 3 [Kotaku UK]

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Steven Hansen
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