Yes, more Senran Kagura news
Looks like there’s another Senran Kagura game on the horizon, but before you get too excited, it’s a crossover with Toast’s Drawgirls and Senran Kagura: New Wave. Drawgirls is a picture discovery game where it’s your job to gradually uncover bits and pieces of a photo as quickly as you can. You’ll draw boxes over the outlines of the girls and receive a special card and piece of character art if you really nail it.
The mobile title is rife with enemies that can erase your progress and keep you from seeing the goods, so watch out for that. Or, you could probably just look up art from Senran Kagura: New Wave online if you really , desperately needed to see the completed pictures. Drawgirls is on the horizon for iOS and Android, but I bet if you look really hard online, you can probably get some better Senran Kagura bromides and all that jazz.
See How That Senran Kagura: New Wave x Drawgirls Crossover Play [Siliconera]