Ninja Gaiden DS TGS trailer shows gameplay with stylus

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We recently showed you Tecmo’s Ninja Gaiden 2 Tokyo Game Show 2007 trailer in all of its short but shiny next-gen glory, but there’s another Tecmo trailer we’ve been waiting to see, and now we have it: The Ninja Gaiden DS TGS ’07 trailer.

First off, this trailer was well made. They were smart enough to know that many a cynical gamer would be looking for the answer to “how the hell will a Ninja Gaiden game work on the Nintendo DS?” This trailer first does an appropriate amount of teasing (as any trailer should), and then shows actual stylus movements over gameplay to reveal how the DS control scheme works. 

This game looks absolutely incredible. The graphics, much like those of Square Enix’s Final Fantasy III, had me shaking my head in disbelief. Everything from the lush backdrops to the huge (well, huge for a DS screen) bosses look great. How is this a DS game? More importantly, the game play looks involving and challenging — exactly what we all want from a Ninja Gaiden game.

As a Ninja Gaiden fan, I’m a bit biased, and I’ll get excited about any new game with the name, but this trailer actually has me more excited about the DS game than the upcoming Xbox 360 title. And I’m all over this baby at TGS.  

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Dale North
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