Boston cream tips
Fallout 4, like its predecessors, is a lot to take in from start to finish. The open world and leveling mechanics can seem daunting, as any wrong move can leave you without proper equipment to take on particular tasks.
Here’s some tips to help you along the way.
General tips:
It helps to research the perk chart first before you start putting points into anything. That way you can attain your desired choices right away without having to grind out stats. Consult the below video for some help.
If anything “big” happens that seems monumental in terms of the story, check that room far and wide for bobble heads and comic books — that’s often when they show up.
Don’t forget to level up! That sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget when you’re in the heat of battle. Check your Pip-Boy and look at the bottom of the screen to see if you have any points to spend. [from Dtoid’s Jordan Devore]
Get the perk Lead Belly (2 END) as soon as you can. Drinking water without repurcussions will help conserve simpaks. That way when you get into the thick of it without anything to drink, you’ll have plenty of healing power.
Lock picking is the same it’s always been, but it’s important to know the basics. If you hear or feel a vibration in any way, ease off. Tilt the sticks ever so slightly and gently try to get as far as you can with the tumbler before you commit.
Confused with hacking still? Note that when choosing a password, common letters in the real answer will show up on screen. For example, if you choose CAT, and the answer is DOG, you will have zero likenesses, which will help clue you in and eliminate similar phrases. Take your time with these sections — there’s no need to rush.
When you’re engaged in combat and you’re out of Action Points, initiate V.A.T.S. anyway, cancel, and then start shooting — your sights should be mostly lined up with the target. It’s also a good idea to regularly press the V.A.T.S. button if you are entering an unfamiliar area and you aren’t sure where enemies might be. [from Dtoid’s Jordan Devore]
Advanced tips (light mission spoilers but nothing major):
If you’re turning in a Minutemen mission to Preston Garvey and he’s chilling at one of your settlements, make sure to sleep on one of your beds for the “well-rested” XP boost before talking to him [from Dtoid’s Jordan Devore]
If you’re on the “Freedom Trail” mission, look for the red markings on the ground, not the lanterns. Walk around the perimeter of the park the mission starts you off at, and follow the red lines on the ground to the north. If you get lost and lose a line, just backtrack and try your best to follow the cracks. Have you broken down yet and thrown your controller against a wall? Here’s the solution.
Not long into helping the Brotherhood of Steel, you’ll acquire smoke grenades that you can use to call in a Vertibird to your current position. Once it lands, you can hop in the vehicle and travel to a different location or, better yet, just sit inside the Vertibird while it remains stationary and use its turret to cheese fights against giant enemies. This method requires some planning, but it works particularly well against super mutant behemoths and a specific mirelurk in one of the side missions. [from Dtoid’s Jordan Devore]
Published: Nov 10, 2015 2:00 PM UTC