See how two indie devs made a game in 48 hours

Episode 1 of Super Game Jam is out now on Steam

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Steam moving into distributing film projects that deal with game development is no surprise. After Indie Game: The Movie and Valve’s own Free to Play film, we’ve got the first episode of Super Game Jam. It’s a five-part series that follows pairs of indie developers as they crank out a game in 48 hours. The twist? All the games have to follow a theme set by the other development teams. 

First up are Jan Willem Nijman of Vlambeer and Richard Boeser, who’s behind the upcoming Ibb and Obb. The series is being published by Devolver Digital and filmed by Daniel Oliveria Canerio (a close personal friend) and Bram Ruiter (who I haven’t met but I’m sure is very talented).

I’m downloading the first episode right now but really looking forward to the later episode with Tom Francis in it, as he developed one of my favorite games from 2013, Gunpoint. $19.99/£14.99 gets you all five episodes of the series which will be released throughout the summer. 

About The Author
Alasdair Duncan
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