Can the Dota 2 community raise it to $10M?
The Dota 2 community, along with most MOBAs, gets a bad rap for being mean jerks. While yes, there are plenty of mean jerks out there, it’s moments like these that prove that we can really band together to…spend money. The Dota 2 community has raised the prize pool of the upcoming International tournament to over $6,000,000. Players can contribute money buy buying Compendiums or Compendium Points, which in turn grants player rewards in addition to raising the prize pool.
Since the last goal has been reached, Valve did the obvious next step: add more stretch goals! If the community can hit this landmark in only 10 days, imagine what it could do until the tournament happens in July! While some of the goals are underwhelming, at $8.8M Darude will be at an “afterparty broadcast” so who cares about anything else.
So, what level is your Compendium? Mine is 27 because I spent money to level it up. Some people have Compendiums over level bazillion or something. Some people really love Dota 2.