Infinity Ward shows its package, asks fans to choose Call of Duty 4 cover art

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Box art can make or break a game. At retail, it’s the first and only impression for many people; even the worst games with killer box art will get picked up by the average Joe, while some of the best experiences in gaming will be cast aside in favor of a box that doesn’t drive consumers to murder.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on the other hand shouldn’t really have that problem. If Activision gave the OK to Infinity Ward’s proposal to have the infamous Goatse image grace the cover of their upcoming first-person shooter, it would still sell a billion copies.

But I guess it’s a nice gesture to give fans a say in what box art will hit shelves this Fall … even if all five proposed images are essentially identical. Seriously, the choices are based on a singular image, only slightly modified each time. This, folks, is why graphic designers and marketing people are paid the big bucks — tough choices.

Head on over to the official Call of Duty 4 community site (registration required) and weigh in on this year’s biggest decision in gaming.

[Thanks to EternalDarkwing for the tip!] 

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Nick Chester
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