Bethesda doesn’t mind if you don’t like Fallout 4’s graphics

Long hair don’t care

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A lot of people were upset that Fallout 4 looked more like Fallout 3 than, say, The Witcher 3. Bethesda’s Pete Hines has a pretty zen attitude about the whole thing, explaining to Metro that the negative reaction to the visuals, “Definitely doesn’t upset us.”

“As with most forms of entertainment you never get 100 per cent agreement on anything. And so, at the end of the day, whether it’s what the graphics look like or whether the gameplay is what you want or whether you like the setting, or whatever it is, everybody is entitled to their opinion.”

Surprisingly, some lunatics were actually upset about the game adding color. Hines is not worried about swaying those very wrong folks or those who are unimpressed by the technology on display. “You can use whatever criteria you want to buy or not buy a game, because ultimately it’s not up to me,” Hines said. “I don’t get to go up to each individual consumer and say, ‘You have to buy this game or I’m gonna try and convince you otherwise!’ I put out information in the best way possible to give people a good idea, “Here’s what we’re doing and here’s what it’s gonna be like.'”

Good on ’em. I actually wrote elsewhere, for a naughty site your work might block, that it was a pretty bold move of Bethesda to not chase tech orgasms.

Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview – ‘We’re doing stuff that other folks wouldn’t do or don’t do’ [Metro]


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Steven Hansen
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